
Stratified Epithelium

The stratified epithelium tissue consist of two or more layers of cells.  An epithelium tissue consist of cells that form membranes, which cover and line the body surfaces and glands.  The stratified epithelium tissue can be further classified in 4 types: Stratified Squamous Epithelium Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium Stratified Columnar Epithelium Transitional Epithelium 1) Stratified Squamous Epithelium: Description: There are several layers of cells which are cuboidal to columnar in shape. The apical cells are squamous and basal cells are cuboidal or columnar. Location: Forms superficial layer of skin (Keratinized form), lining of mouth, oesophagus, part of epiglottis and also covers the tongue. Function: Protection (against microorganisms and water loss) 2) Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium: Description: Several layer of cells in which the cells are cube shaped in both the apical surface and basal surface. Location: Pancreatic duct, Sweat glands. Function: Protection, absorption and sec

Snakeskin Liverwort

What are Liverworts ? They are thought to be the simplest of all the existing groups of land plants. They are found mainly in damp shaded habitats. They come in two forms: flat and ribbon-like. They are traditionally classified with mosses and hornworts in a group of ancient plants known as bryophytes. Liverworts have some unique features that sets them apart from other two. Their rhizoids are single celled. Snakeskin Liverwort ( Conocephalum conicum ) The name C. conicum refers to the cone shaped archegoniophore, which bear sporangia. It is found worldwide on streamside rocks and in other moist places. It is the most common liverwort in northern hemisphere. It is also found in open woodlands. It grows upto 20 cm long. Snakeskin liverwort is ribbon-shaped liverwort. It has a glossy upper surface with minute translucent chambers.

Simple Epithelium Tissue

The simple epithelium tissue consist of a single layer of cells. An epithelium tissue consist of cells that form membranes, which cover and line the body surfaces and glands. The simple epithelium tissue can be further classified into 4 types: Simple Squamous Epithelium Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Simple Columnar Epithelium Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium Simple Squamous Epithelium: Description: Single layer of cells with a centrally located nucleus. The cells are flat. Location: Lines the heart, blood vessels, bowman's capsule, air sacs of lungs and inner surface of the eardrum (tympanic membrane). Function: Filtration, diffusion and osmosis. Simple Squamous Epithelium Simple Cuboidal Epithelium: Description: Single layer of cells with a centrally located nucleus. The cells are cube shaped. Location: Surface of ovary, anterior surface of eye lens, lines the kidney tubules, found in the ducts of pancreas. Function: Secretion and absorption. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Simple Col

Amino acids can act as acids and bases

An amino acid contains an amino group (-NH2) as well as a carboxyl group (-COOH). The carboxyl group is acidic (proton donor) and amino group is basic (proton acceptor). Therefore amino acids are amphoteric in nature. (Amphoteric compounds are those compounds which can act both as an acid or a base).  At low pH the carboxyl group accepts a proton and becomes uncharged so the overall charge on the molecule is positive.  At high pH the amino group loses its proton and becomes uncharged so the overall charge on molecule is negative. The pH at which the molecule carries no electrical charge is called the isoelectric point. At this point the amino acids exist as a dipolar ion or Zwitterion. A Zwitterion is a molecule with no electrical charge because it contains equal number of both positively and negatively charged ions.                         Low pH                                                                                                             High pH Related Articles:


Abnauayu is a cryptid (an animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated) Description: It has dark skin. The body is covered with reddish-black hair. The mane has thick hair that lays down the back. Eyes have a reddish tinge. The nose is flat. It has a muscular body with enormous teeth. The fingers are long and thick. Females have breasts. Sighting: A female abnauayu was captured in Georgia. A man named Edgi took her to his farm where she lived till her death. She was named Zana, her grave has not bee found yet.

Amino Acid

Amino acids are compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. They serve as monomers of proteins. Amino acids contains an amino group, a carboxyl group, a hydrogen atom and a distinctive side chain, all these are bonded to the same carbon atom, this carbon atom is called as ∝-carbon. The amino acids differ with respect to the side chain attached to their ∝-carbon. General structure of Amino Acid This general structure is common to all amino acids except for one i.e. proline. The side chain attached to the ∝-carbon atom is different for each amino acid. In ∝-amino acids the amino group and the carboxyl group are attached to the same carbon atom. Amino acids can be classified as β Ɣ δ or ε based on the location of carbon atom to which the amino group is attached.

Scarlet Skimmer (Blogpost 2)

  Scarlet Skimmer ( Crocothemis servilia ) ( Female ) Clicked at Elephanta Caves. Scarlet Skimmer also known as Ruddy Marsh Skimmer is a species of dragonfly which belongs to the family Libellulidae. Distribution: It is native to east and southeast Asia. Identification: It is a medium sized blood-red dragonfly with a thin black line along the mid-dorsal abdomen. Its eyes are blood-red above and purple laterally. Abdomen with a narrow black mid-dorsal carina. Female have oblivaceous-brown thorax and abdomen. The black mid-dorsal carina is broad in female. It breeds in ponds, ditches, marshes and open swamps. Scarlet Skimmer Clicked at Elephanta Caves Previous post of Wildlife Series: Tricolour Pied Flat: