Snakeskin Liverwort

What are Liverworts ?
  • They are thought to be the simplest of all the existing groups of land plants. They are found mainly in damp shaded habitats.
  • They come in two forms: flat and ribbon-like.
  • They are traditionally classified with mosses and hornworts in a group of ancient plants known as bryophytes. Liverworts have some unique features that sets them apart from other two. Their rhizoids are single celled.
Snakeskin Liverwort (Conocephalum conicum)
  • The name C. conicum refers to the cone shaped archegoniophore, which bear sporangia.
  • It is found worldwide on streamside rocks and in other moist places. It is the most common liverwort in northern hemisphere. It is also found in open woodlands.
  • It grows upto 20 cm long.
  • Snakeskin liverwort is ribbon-shaped liverwort. It has a glossy upper surface with minute translucent chambers.


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