DNA Barcoding
It is a technique use to identify animals, plants and microbes. A short section of DNA from a gene is used to identify the species. The short section of DNA which is used is called DNA Barcode. Dr. Paul D.N. Hebert is the founder of DNA barcoding.
The gene region which is used for animal groups is Cytochrome- C oxidase I gene abbreviated as CO-1.
- Take the tissue from the specimen to extract the DNA. Isolate the barcode region.
- Multiply the isolated DNA using PCR.
- Then it is sequenced
- The sequence obtained is placed in BOLD database (Barcode of Life Data system). It is a reference library of DNA barcodes which can be used to identify unknown specimens.
- Useful in identifying species where morphological techniques are not enough.
- Provide evidence in poaching cases.
Related Articles:
- DNA Fingerprinting: https://anaszoology.blogspot.com/2022/08/dna-fingerprinting.html
- Applications of DNA Fingerprinting: https://anaszoology.blogspot.com/2022/08/applications-of-dna-fingerprinting.html
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