
Life Processes in Living Organisms I Practice Paper

Practice Paper: Life Processes in Living Organisms I Marks: 20     Q1. Choose the correct option: (5)       1. Conversion of into glucose, occurs through the process of __________. A) Glycolysis                                B) Krebs Cycle C) Electron Transfer Chain           D) Gluconeogenesis   2.   Process of glycolysis occurs in __________. A) Mitochondria           B) Nucleus C) Cytoplasm                D) Lysosomes   3. Among the following proteins listed below, which protein is found in bone: __________. A) Haemoglobin           B) Ossein C) Insulin                      D) Trypsin   4. Amon the list of Vitamins provided below, which vitamin is water soluble? A) Vitamin K           B) Vitamin B C) Vitamin A           

Heredity and Evolution Practice Paper

Practice Paper: Heredity and Evolution Marks: 20 Q1. Choose the correct option: (5)       1. Father of modern genetics is __________ A) Johann Gregor Mendel   B) Hugo de Vries C) Walter and Sutton D) Francois Jacob and Jack Monad     2. The process of making proteins using mRNA is called as ________ A) Transcription           B) Translation C) Replication              D) None of the above        3. Among the list of following organs, which organ is an example of vestigial organ A) Heart           B) Appendix C) Liver           D) Lungs     4. The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was given by _______ A) Darwin                            B) Hugo de Vries C) Walter and Sutton           D) Lamarck     5. _________

Lemon Sponge

What are Sponges ? Simple, mostly marine animals, adult sponges live permanently attached to rocks, corals, and shipwrecks. A few species live in freshwater. Sponges belong to phylum Porifera. The Porifera vary in size and shape, from thin sheets to huge barrels, but all have the same basic structure: different types of specialist cells, but no organs. A system of water canal branches through the sponge, and water is drawn into them through tiny pores in the sponges surface. Special chambers or cells lining the water canals trap and engulf bacteria from plankton for food, and waste water exits through large openings called oscula.  Many sponges are classically "spongy", others are rock hard, soft, or even slimy depending on the supporting skeleton, which is made of tiny spicules of silica or calcium carbonate. Spicules vary in shape and number between species and can be used in identification. Calcareous Sponges: Lemon sponge is a calcareous sponge. The skeleton of Calcarea i

Morphology of Flowering Plants PYQ's

Visit You tube channel for more MCQ's: Previous Year Questions: 1. Identify the part of the seed from the given figure which is destined to form root when the seed germinates. (2024) 1) A     2) B 3) C     4) D Ans. 3 - C Explanation: In the given figure 'C' represents radicle. Radicle is the part of the seed from which roots are formed. 2. Which of the following is an example of actinomorphic flower ? (2024) 1)  Datura          2) Cassia 3) Pisum            4) Sesbania Ans. 1 - Datura Explanation: Datura is an example of actinomorphic (radial symmetry) flower. Cassis, Pisum and Sesbania are examples of zygomorphic (bilateral symmetry) flower. 3. Identify the type of flowers based on the position of calyx, corolla and androecium with respect to the ovary from the given figures (a) and (b)  (2024) 1) (a) Epigynous; (b) Hypogynous  2) (a) Hypogynous; (b) Epigynous 3) (a) Perigynous; (b) Epigynous  4) (a) Perigynous; (b

Principles of Inheritance and Variation PYQ's

Visit You tube channel for more MCQ's: Previous Year Questions: 1. Match the List I with List II                                                                                                        (2024)                         LIST I                                                                                     LIST II A. Two or more alternative forms of a gene.                                           I. Back cross B. Cross of F1 progeny with homozygous recessive parent.                  II. Ploidy C. Cross of F1 progeny with any of the parent.                                     III. Allele D. Number of chromosome sets in plant.                                               IV. Test cross Choose the correct answer from the options given below. 1) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV 2) A-II, B-I, C-III, D-IV 3) A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II 4) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I Ans. 3 -  A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II Explanation: Two or more alternati

Evolution and Behavior PYQ's

Visit You tube channel for more MCQ's: Previous Year Questions: 1. Column A lists names of evolutionary biologists and column B lists descriptions of evolutionary mechanisms proposed by them in random order.                                                               (June 2017) Column A Column B A) Jean Baptiste Lamarck i) Variation at the molecular level is selectively neutral B) Charles Darwin ii) Inheritance of acquired characters C) Motoo Kimura iii) Differential reproduction of genotypes D) Sewall Wright iv) Changes in allele frequency due to random genetic drift 1) A-i, B-ii, C-iv, D-iii 2) A-ii, B-iii, C-i, D=iv 3) A-iii, B-i, C-ii, D-iv 4) A-ii, B-iii, C-iv, D-i Ans. 2 - A-ii, B-iii, C-i, D=iv Explanation: Lamarck gave the theory of inheritance of acquired characters. In modern genetics na

Biodiversity and Conservation PYQ's

Visit You tube channel for more MCQ's: Previous Year Questions: 1. List of endangered species was released by-                                                                               (2024) 1) GEAC 2) WWF 3) FOAM 4) IUCN Ans. 4 - IUCN 2. These are regarded as major cause of biodiversity loss:                                                         (2024) A. Over exploitation B. Co-extinction C. Mutation D. Habitat loss and fragmentation E. Co-extinctions Choose the correct option: 1) A,C and D only          2) A,B,C and D only 3) A,B and E only          4) A,B and D only Ans. 4 - A,B and D only. Explanation: Causes of biodiversity loss are 1) Habitat loss and fragmentation. 2) Over-exploitation 3) Alien species invasion 4) Co-extinctions 3. Tropical regions show greatest level of species richness because                                             (2024) A. Tropical latitudes have remained relatively undisturbed for mi